Benvenuto sull'Isola d'Ischia
Alla scoperta di Ischia
L’Isola d’Ischia è rinomata per le sue sorgenti termali naturali, le spiagge incantevoli e i panorami mozzafiato che incantano i visitatori provenienti da tutto il mondo. Che siate in cerca di una vacanza rilassante o di avventure emozionanti, Ischia offre qualcosa per tutti i gusti.
Esplorate i pittoreschi borghi che punteggiano l’isola, immergetevi nelle acque termali benefiche o semplicemente godetevi il dolce far niente su una delle tante spiagge sabbiose. Con una ricca storia e una cultura vibrante, Ischia vi incanterà con la sua autenticità e il suo fascino senza tempo.
Siamo lieti di darvi il benvenuto sull’Isola d’Ischia e di accompagnarvi in un viaggio indimenticabile alla scoperta di questo paradiso mediterraneo. Che il vostro soggiorno sia ricco di momenti preziosi e di emozioni uniche.
Benvenuti nel cuore pulsante del Mediterraneo, benvenuti a Ischia.
Volcanism on Santorini is due to the Hellenic Trench subduction zone southwest of Crete. The oceanic crust of the northern margin of the African Plate is being subducted under Greece and the Aegean Sea, which is thinned continental crust. The subduction compels the formation of the Hellenic arc, which includes Santorini and other volcanic centres, such as Methana, Milos, and Kos.

In 1707 an undersea volcano breached the sea surface, forming the current centre of activity at Nea Kameni in the centre of the lagoon, and eruptions centred on it continue—the twentieth century saw three such, the last in 1950. Santorini was also struck by a devastating earthquake in 1956. Although the volcano is dormant at the present time, at the current active crater (there are several former craters on Nea Kameni), steam and carbon dioxide are given off.
Parchi Termali
The oldest signs of human settlement are Late Neolithic (4th millennium BC or earlier), but c. 2000–1650 BC Akrotiri developed into one of the Aegean’s major Bronze Age ports, with recovered objects that came not just from Crete, but also from Anatolia, Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt, as well as from the Dodecanese and the Greek mainland.
Cosa visitare

The oldest signs of human settlement are Late Neolithic (4th millennium BC or earlier), but c. 2000–1650 BC Akrotiri developed into one of the Aegean’s major Bronze Age ports, with recovered objects that came not just from Crete, but also from Anatolia, Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt, as well as from the Dodecanese and the Greek mainland.
Archaeological Museum
The oldest signs of human settlement are Late Neolithic (4th millennium BC or earlier), but c. 2000–1650 BC Akrotiri developed into one of the Aegean’s major Bronze Age ports, with recovered objects that came not just from Crete, but also from Anatolia, Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt, as well as from the Dodecanese and the Greek mainland.

Castello Aragonese
The oldest signs of human settlement are Late Neolithic (4th millennium BC or earlier), but c. 2000–1650 BC Akrotiri developed into one of the Aegean’s major Bronze Age ports, with recovered objects that came not just from Crete, but also from Anatolia, Cyprus, Syria, and Egypt, as well as from the Dodecanese and the Greek mainland.